
Cage Match - How Webex beats the rest, June 2 9AM PST

Every year at the Enterprise Connect Communications Conference there is a 2-hour highly anticipated session called “Cage Match”. This is where industry analysts, Phil Edholm and Brent Kelly, assess and compare the leading vendors for unified communication and collaboration. This year, Brian Stout will be hosting a live webinar with Phil Edholm to showcase how Webex compares to Microsoft Teams, Zoom and RingCentral. Their view of Webex is incredibly positive, with highlights including:

  • Webex is the “Apple of collaboration” with our integrated platform and device end-to-end experience
  • Leadership in both meetings and calling experience
  • Differentiation and leadership in Events, intelligence, management, and analytics
  • Highly competitive pricing, even when we deploy alongside MS 365
I encourage you to spread the word about this upcoming webinar on Thursday, June 2nd, at 9:00am PT. Register by clicking this article title!

Cisco Price Changes, June 4, 2022

On June 4th 2022, Cisco will implement price changes for products & services. The price changes are due to one or more of the following reasons: changing market conditions, price corrections, configuration changes, or competitive market change. Please visit your regional Price Announcements Page for the complete list of affected PIDs. If you have any questions regarding price changes, please email global-finance-pricing@cisco.​com.

Cybersecurity Insurance, Secure Access and MFA: What Your Customers Need to Know Now, May 10 Event

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • What cyber liability insurance is, and why it’s increasingly a necessity for organizations of every size.
  • Why multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a requirement for purchasing or renewing a cyber insurance policy.
  • How Duo may help in reducing risk as well as reducing premium costs.
Review high impact partner and customer incentives to ensure customer action and your profitability.
  • WHEN: Tuesday, May 10, 2022, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Time
  • WHERE: Virtual/Webex
Register here

CX Partner Executive Forum, April 13

In this Forum, we will dive deeper into how Cisco Partner Lifecycle Services (PLS) and Enterprise Agreements (EA’s) will help partners differentiate their business for faster growth and more profitability. There will be time for Q&A. We're looking forward to this Forum with you!

  • Event Status: Register here
  • Date and time: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 at 7:00 AM PST/10:00 AM EST
  • Duration 1 hour

Verizon-Cisco collaboration advances autonomous vehicle tech

BASKING RIDGE, N.J. AND SAN JOSE, Calif., March 29, 2022  Cisco and Verizon collaborated on a successful proof of concept demo in Las Vegas, showing that cellular and mobile edge compute (MEC) technology can enable autonomous driving solutions without the use of costly physical Roadside Units to extend radio signals.

Cisco Security: Catch the Wave, March 15-16, 2022

Join us to catch the Cisco security wave. This event will provide information for both Cisco sales teams and our partners about positioning Cisco security with your customers. Cisco security leadership and architects will dive into messaging, the unified roadmap, and new security architectures.

*UPCOMING EVENT* Security Buying Programs Update - EA 3.0

This session will be an update to the Americas Partner community on Cisco’s Security Buying Programs and our recently announced EA 3.0. \ \ We’ll take a look at how Enterprise Agreements have evolved from 2.0 and the benefits that make it easier for customers to buy, consume, and manage their Cisco Software. Tuesday, April 5, 2022 | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Time | Register here!

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