Nov 3, 2021
We are excited to extend you an invitation to Cisco's third Annual Partner Contact Center Enterprise/Webex Contact Center Troubleshooting Summit that will be held virtual this year starting Tuesday, November 30th.
This intermediate/advanced level summit is intended for engineers with prior Cisco Contact Center Enterprise (CCE) and Webex Contact Center (Webex CC) experience.
The objective of the summit is to show how to troubleshoot the most requested functions with these two solutions its components and the latest features introduced.
This series will consist of seven (7), three-hour sessions. Please click here for session abstracts.
With this event being virtual, unlike in the past there will be no restriction on the number of attendees that can attend, so everyone is invited to participate.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Ken George
Contact Center Practice Lead,
Americas Partner Organization
WHEN: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 to Thursday, December 9, 2021 | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Central Time
WHERE: Virtual/Webex
Register here or paste this link in your browser: